2) I created one puzzle using "pen tool" again, then duplicated to the number needed with Ctr+C then Ctr+V, and rotating and adding hemisphere on different sides each time.

following last step, I duplicated the puzzles, made thickness from 3pt to 1 pt, and changed the color from dark gray to a light gray.

3) Here, I added some smooth lines using "pen tool" and then "blend tool" and got the images shown bellow:

4) now, using"3d-Revolve tool", I created the spheres of musical notes, and also used "pen tool" to complete the rest of the shapes.

6) Now, I created the texts. First I wrote with the "text tool", then created them as "outlines", by selecting, right clicking, and choosing convert to outlines.

7) At the end, after adding the birthday message, on the other A4 page, and gathered all the things , I got the final image shown bellow:

yeah nice one!!